Praying through the Pandemic - Monday of Holy Week


Many faith traditions combine movements and words in the practice of prayer. One example from the Christian tradition is making the sign of the cross. Crossing ourselves is an ancient and abiding ritual that guides and unites people of many Christian persuasions across denominational divides. 

This meditation on making the sign of the cross is adapted from Fr. Michael Sparough's work and is accessible to people of all faiths and no specific faith at all. 

  1. Begin by finding a quiet place where you can sit up tall with your feet on the floor. Put aside anything you may have in your hands. 

  2. Bring your awareness to your natural breath, just as you find it. Notice how you are within. Be present to yourself, just as you are.

  3. As you are ready, gently bring your right hand to your forehead. Notice the current state of your mind and your thoughts. No need to try and change what you find there. Instead with your while keeping your right hand on your forehead, breathe in calm and breathe out anxiety. Breathe in, breathe out. 

  4. As you are ready, gently bring your right hand from your forehead and place it over your heart. Notice the current state of your heart and your emotions. Again, no need to try to change what is, instead feel the warmth of your hand on your chest. Breathe in compassion, breathe out pain. Breathe in, breathe out.

  5. As you are ready, move your hand from your heart to your left shoulder. As your hand rests on your left shoulder, bring to mind the difficult events of the past few days, things that brought you sorrow or pain or regret or shame. With your hand on your left shoulder, breathe in comfort, breathe out guilt. Breathe in gentleness, breathe out blame. Breathe in grace, breathe out condemnation.

  6. As you are ready, move your right hand from your left shoulder to your right shoulder. As your hand rests on your right shoulder, notice all of the questions and uncertainties being held in your mind and heart. No need to try to answer the questions or solve the problems right now. Instead, breathe in trust, and breathe out fear. Breathe in the support you have from others, and breathe out the fear of being alone. Breathe in surrender, and breath out efforts to control. 

  7. And, last, as you are ready, clasp both hands together in a position that is prayerful for you. Breathe in blessing for yourself, and breathe out blessing to all who suffer. Breathe in compassion for yourself, and breathe out compassion to all who suffer. Breathe in love for yourself and breathe out love to all who suffer. Amen.