Mini Retreat for the Weary with Joseph Goldstein

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a level of intensity to our lives that can be depleting emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Also, many of us are not able to engage in the usual activities that replenish and renew us leaving us feeling more depleted than ever. Knowing that the new realities of living in a post-COVID world are unlikely to subside in the near future, it becomes even more important that we each find ways to retreat from the busyness of our lives - even if only for an hour - so that we might find solace, renewed energy, and hope.

With that in mind, we invite you to allow this talk, shared by Tricycle Magazine and given by longtime meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein, to serve as a mini retreat of sorts. Find a quiet place with a comfortable place to sit and take 60 minutes just for yourself.


For reflection:

Which of Joseph’s anecdotal stories most resonates with you?

What do you want to take with you from this mini retreat as you reengage with your day to day life?