Navigating New Realities: Best Practices in Palliative Care during COVID-19 Webinar Series

This best practices series highlights palliative care clinicians across the US navigating the new realities of healthcare in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These sessions spend 30 minutes discussing new challenges faced in palliative care, solutions that worked well, and key takeaways, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.

Palliative Care in the Pandemic: Challenges and Lessons Learned at a Catholic Hospital


Presented by Natalie Rodden, MD

Being specially trained in communication and serious illness symptom management, palliative care teams not surprisingly were heavily leaned on to support the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in providing meaningful care to patients and their families.  Between isolation and visitor restrictions, there were unprecedented limitations to typical standards of care and practices needed to creatively adjust.  This webinar shared experiences and provided insights, both personally and professionally, for a palliative care team at a small but busy Catholic community hospital.

Supportive Care Coalition